Sunday, March 05, 2006

Next Stage??

I think i have arrived at the age where lots of decisions are to be made...
at a crossroad in life for big changes...
it is a stage where ppl have grad from university and have worked for a couple of years...
and it is time to think about what to do next...
some have made a great career...
some have gotta married and bought a house...trying to make their mortage payments every month...
some still searching...searching...

many of my good good frds..
have decided or are planning to go back to HK..
because they are not satisfy with the life that they are having here in Toronto...
they think that with the experience and education that they have..
they can have a much better advancement in HK..
that they can go a lot further...

this made me really really sad...
cause they are truly my best best frds and they are leaving one by one...
i don't know what advices i can give..or should i give them any...
cause i think everyone has their own path and destiny..
who is to say that it is not that path??

some want to find a better career...
some thinks the guys here sucks..haha...
some just want to go back to have a change of challenge themselves...
some have broken up from a relationship....

all i can say is that...
if you cannot figure out what u are looking for in life here..
it is just going to be the same when you get back to HK...
if you are lost in life here...
the same pattern is going to repeat itself...
cause u don't even know what u want...
just a change in the settings...will it really help u find the answers there??

don't know what i can say...
but just really want to appreicate everyone of my frds...
cause it really isn't easy to have u guys to celebrate my b-day...
and i don't want to take it for granted..
cause i know next year.. some of u may not be here again...

we had gone through a lot of stuff...
good times...bad times..
many all nighters... for drinking purposes...or for working on events and shows...
disappointments in friends..
time when we shared our dreams... our future... our true self...
having u guys to stand by my side...
each of u represented a part of me...
had made a mark in my life..
made me who i am today...
i won't regret any of it...
cause that's who i am...
with all of u in it...

Thank you....


Anonymous said...

it's sad to ppl come and go and i think this won't stop coz we're living in a floating generation. nothing feel solid, nothing feel secure. ppl always feel some other places is better than where they are, well...

Anonymous said...

Deep in the heart, people know the problems are inside their minds. But we always like to find an excuse or blame it on the things/people around us. On the other hand, I sometimes find that is a pretty good way to escape from looking into my own mind .... Everytimes friends started leaving me/I left them, it is a signal that I had already moved to the next stage... wow, how strange is that... and I started to realize that I am actually quite a different person from them .... I don't understand why they think like this or like that or so stupid anymore ... I don't understand why they don't care about the environment which all the people in the world share... I don't understand why they find "ChungKing Express" boring... and the transition to the next stage always happened so fast that at the time you realized it, it's alreay done and completed .... ah yes, that's why people with similar characters group together, like the people in churches.... and people with different religion usually don't get along :-) just kidding .... What the fxxk am I talking here? I don't even understand myself anymore... must the stress from work... and yes, I am blaming something....

Drunken Angel said...

hahaha...that's ok Jam Jam...who isn't stress from work and looking for somewhere to vent...

yeah we all try to blame on other things when we want to escape...
but it is always in our own mind that we got struck in...
we are sometimes just too stubborn and just trap ourselves inside...
i remember i have a period when i just go home to sleep all day..everyday after school...until it is all dark out...then eat and then sleep again...
don't know how long that lasted...=P
but have to walk out and face the reality one way or another...

Drunken Angel said...

i don't understand why ppl don't like 2046 or Kurosawa or Cheer either..haha...
or why no one can see through Bush and his so call "democratic government"...sighhhh....

i guess we like to group with similiar ppl as us..cause that's where we are most comfortable.. that's our comfort zone..
but it also makes us lazy to grow and numb to other things that are outside...

i guess it is this "moment" when we realize the situation that we are struck in or when we see that we just hang out with similiar ppl that we are beginning step out..
to take our first step to a new stage!!!