When Crisis comes,
It usually comes in a bunch...
When Disaster strikes,
An oppounity is also at the corner...
There is always contingencies
When Crisis comes,
It is a test of how tough you really are...
How firm can you stand on your ground...
A turning point, a defining moment
and say is that all you got?
When Conflict comes,
It is a measure of the strength and weakness of your community...
Who are ready to to stick with you...
Who are not enough to take that extra step...
It is like a meter that tells you how close are people around you...
You can see some that will disappear right away...
Some just pretend they don't know you...
Some pretend that nothing happened...
It is also an assessment of how many real friends are there to support you...
offer you not only empty words...
but to stand behind your back...
and pull you out of the bottomless pit together..
never to leave you behind...
Thanks for the oppounity to make me strong...
and to see that i am being loved...

It may be raining, but there's a rainbow above you.
sorry to just read your blog....
hey, many here ppl for ya la. don't wollie wor....cheer up cheer up =D
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