Haagan Dazs Plain Chocolate Ice Cream,
Just get a bucket and scope away...
Red Wine with Thousand year old eggs.
Cotes du Rhone Red Wine while watching movie in basement.
Rusty Nail cocktail, having both the smoothness and the bite down your throat.
Coffee with Milo, really great...a must try!!

A hot bowl of Tomato, Potato, ox Tail, on a cold cold snowy day.
The smell of burning firewood.
The sound of saxophone, guitar, and piano.
Cheer's Albums, all her songs, well, most of it.
Sade's music really loud while driving on the highway at night.
Stan Getz's Bossa Nova.
Love Letter's OST when traveling through mountains.

Watching artist play guitar on stage and singing their own songs.
Watching people doing what they enjoy and have passion in it.
Stealing glances from beautiful strangers on the streets.
Girls with not a lot of makeup on,
Confidence is the best makeup.
Girl wearing just plain white tank top with blue jeans,
Don't need to overdo simple beauty.
When snow had just finish falling
Everything is covered in snow,
And there is no footprints or car tracks on the streets,
Everything seem so pure and quite.
Rain drops on a pebble walkway,
It is like painting it with color bit by bit.

The moment after the rain has stopped, the earth seems really quiet, Then slowly, the birds begins to come out, to tell the rest of the world to get up, The grass slowly rise its head up, and people start to come out from shelter.
The dripping of rain drops on the corner of the roof.
A really really hot shower, till my skin turns all red,
And a good thing about showers, you can't tell which are tears which are the water drops.
Watching children's' smiling face,
Just running around really happily,
Playing simple games (Not PSP!!)
The warmth from a fresh laser printout.
The muscle pain after an intense workout,
You feel you have really worked hard and makes you feel alive.
A causal walk in the walk at dawn, not that many ppl in the park,
Just one or two walking their dogs,
The gentle breeze of the wind moving the little green fingers of the trees,
Makes me clam and peaceful.
The smell of fresh cut grass.

Sitting in the corner of the library reading with a ray of sunshine on me,
To let me feel the warmth and know that God is with me.
Small and cozy coffee shops on little side streets,
With a fireplace and a sofa,
Just to go sit, read and write.
When i think of all these things,
I don't feel so bad... ^__________^
haha...yea i wish i can just have a relax life like that...
but u know...some of the things there are pretty hard to achieve...
and specific...
how many girls can really just wear a white tank top with jeans and look good just like that...=P
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