What does relationships means nowadays??
Do ppl really still look for one that lasts??
In Closer, everyone is just a stranger till the moment they meet.
How does two people meet??
Did YOU arrange it to happen??

- it's the currency of the world." - Dan
Relationships nowadays...
depends too much on feelings...
the feeling of "love"...one moment we can love a person to death, willing to do anything for them...
willing to make promises from the bottom of our hearts...
really sincerely hope that will be able to stay with this person forever...
But once this feeling is gone...
will want everything back from them...
all the love...all the presents and gifts...
if not able to get it back...
then will think that we have been taken advantage of....
Society and mass media has changed the definition of intimacy...
intimacy == sex...
that we often go too fast..
just wanted to be loved...
be intimate with someone...
but missing the build up time...
the foundation underneath...
so the relationship was thought to be intimate enough already,
but it is truly empty inside...
Therefore we feel unsatisfy,
thinking that we don't love this person anymore...
When there is an argument or a fight..
there is often nothing to fall back on...

I can hear it. I can hear some words, but i can't do anything with your easy words." - Alice
We are all scare to put in too much effort into a relationship...
fearing that it will go to waste someday...
we are too economical...
if not making a "profit"...at least break even...
always want something back...not willing to sacrifice...
"愛總是讓人哭 讓人覺得不滿足
We do not really cherish or value the relationship anymore because it is just merely another physical attraction, there will always be another person who looks as good or about the same waiting to happen...
The bodies have become one...
but the souls are like the distance from East to West...
so close...yet so far away...
Everyone is really looking for intimacy, the one person that we can share everything with....
Our Failures...
Our Imperfections...
Our ugliness...
Our Fears
Our Happy Days...
Our Hopes...
Our Dreams..
We really don't want to wear a mask in front of the person that we love..
but we are really afraid that we will get hurt..
so we build a wall around ourselves...
hoping to reveal our true self slowly..
breaking down the wall slowly until we feel safe and comfortable...
Interesting movie~
Perhaps loving someone is a commitment and an adventure, from not knowing to getting into a relationship (friendship, dating...etc)maybe no one is expected to get break up from the beginning, or nowadays neither too easy to 'access' in a relationship nor let go. hum... probably 'love' can hardly be define?!
i think it is just some of my thoughts and sharings...
don't really have that much to do with the movie..haha..
but just put it into its context...
but yeah...sometimes too many ppl or info..
and too easily to "access" into a relationship...
can't really define it as much...
or don't really know what it is anymore...
at least in the society...
if getting lonely..just get some one to be with for a while..
if doesn't work out..then fine..just leave...
really have to figure it out ourselves..
and be comfortable with ourselves first before can engage in a relationship...
cause it is in a way to prepare for the next one...
Love used to be Magical.. used to be eternality, used to be "2 become 1"..
But nowadays, we always think we do not enough time coz we are using too much time to make Choices! we always try to think of ways to be efficient, like instant noodles, fastfood, mechanical car-wash, etc. Including love, we need to use the least amount of time & effort to achieve the best result. The quality of the process is just sth to slow down the process..
At the end.. ppl are just too lonely, too eager to be loved. Always want more b4 they are willing to give. Then use fake intimacy to fill their emptiness.
Should the dictionary update the definition of LOVE when they are thinking about the 2007 edition?
I agree...we want to do things too fast... doesn't matter if u just know a guy/girl for just a couple of weeks... u friends will keep asking you..
hey...so what do u think of him/her?? seems alright... why don't u give it a try...who cares if it doesn't work..just breakup then...
Hmm..i don't even know that person..just thinks they look alright physically...how can i just go out with them as bf/gf just like that...hm...
we always think that we are too busy and more important things to do than love...so then the relationship achieved a certain level that we want to be at...we will move on to other more "important" stuff...
i guess we are all just become really selfish and self-centered... i agree how we all want to be given love first before we give out...just a little...
but giving love should be just as enjoyable..if not more..
but just need to know if that's to the right person...
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