I have been trying to grow a beard these days...
I guess it is something all guys go through..try to experiment on how i will look like with it..
I guess cause not many Asian ppl can/do grow a beard...and so it is kinda unique and distinct...
and cause it is kinda of the body..want to explore it more..
also maybe subconsciously...also going through lots of stuff these days...
and to have my body show my emotions rather than saying it out...
It is pretty funny how ppl around me is reacting...
"What happened?? Why aren't u shaving??"
"Are you depress or something??"
"You look like a thief...Remember not to wear strips clothing..."
Well...if i look depress...
then why u don't ask if something is actually bothering me
and just say something so shallow and leave it at that??
if i have shaven... will i have seem happier??
Some will say,
"Hey that looks cool...
You look more like a director now...=P
u look even more like ur brother now... S hit"
Well...some really do mean it...
But you can so tell some ppl just saying stupid stuff that they don't mean...
can so just tell from their eyes...
Every second person that i meet...
they will be trying to comfort me and change me...
it is just like life...
every decision that we make..
everything that we do..
ppl are going to have different opinion...
it is not like they really care why u do it...
it is not like they really care if u listen to their "advice"
or if their advice is really useful..
"Hey why are you giving up ur degree and do something so stupid??"
"Hey that girl seems pretty nice, maybe u try to go out with her..."
"Why u guys are breaking up?? "
"U guys seem so good together??"
"It must be your fault again...always like to play around...!!!"
So many many voices all around us...
How do we choose which one to listen to and keep our true self??
如果好看的話,我想我也會留鬚, 不過主觀認為好樣衰。外間有好多聲音,聽唔;就算聽得晒,亦未必會理;就算理,都未必做。好似有好亂,好多選擇咁。
有d事,係唔關人事,我地可以我行我素。有d事就唔可以咁自我。有d決定,別人比的意見是基於他們的價值觀,如果不能認同對方的價值觀的話,要問的問題可能已經唔係"How do we choose which one to listen to and keep our true self??",而係有無需要聽。不是每個人有心情聽真每個決定背後的內容和當中的過程,不錯,有d人只係膚淺的比意見,這只反映他們對事的處理手法。如果他們細心聽清你的意見,他們的說話值得一聽。無point亦有份心意在當中。(oops,我何嘗不也是在反映我的價值觀? haha)
還有,100%的 true self可能只會為身邊的人做成無形的傷害,就像”梁祝下世傳奇”中提及到的”無情力般。
People do try to affect us, placing their point of view on us, expecting us to be like this and that... somehow, we do being influenced by those voices... it need not to be bad... I guess it still depends on what we want to hear... because when we start asking the question, we start thinking about it, and in a way, we have some answers...
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