At the cool autumn night of Nov. 4,
for many the impossible dream has finally came true.
America's first ever African-America president was elected.
As I was watching his victory that night, tears begin to fill my eyes.
As this is not only a president that the people in US had been waiting for,
but also a change that the world has been waiting for a long time for.
Obama has given hope to people who needed it most.
He had completed half of the dream by his hero, Martin Luther King Jr.,
to eliminate racial discrimination in America,
the other half is to eliminate poverty still has a long way to go,
but his election will surely speed up the process
and inspire a lot of people to work hard and tell the world that nothing is really impossible. There are tons of newborns being named Obama in Kenya right now.
He came from a broken family with parents separated at an early age,
then had a drug addiction in his teen years,
how he came back and work hard the black community and see their hardship,
then going into Harvard law school and then becoming the president should only have been seen in a Hollywood movie.
But it really did came true.
I wondered as I was watching if one day, there will be a Chinese Canadian who will become Canada's Prime Minister, as we were once before a discriminated railway worker, just like the blacks were trapped in slavery in the US, is it possible?

As Obama said in his speech,
"It's the answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful of what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day."
We have been living in an of wars, social injustice, global warming, poverty, greed in the financial market, and this has become a major turning point in history. He had mentioned Ann Nixon Cooper, an 106 years old lady, who was born just pass the slavery generation, witnessed the Great Depression, whom wasn't able to vote before, the Pearl Habour and the two world wars, and today, she had came to vote on a touch screen that made part of history. This is truly amazing.
Obama very much believed in investing into the future generation, as he was deeply influenced by John F Kennedy, in a 2007 speech,
"I wouldn't be here if, time and again, the torch had not been passed to a new generation."
He is able to see that it is important to pass this flame down to another generation, that's why I believe he will be a great president.
In making of Obama, or the history of African America in US, they say
"Rosa sat so Martin could walk; Martin walked so Obama could run."
It is a step by step long time process.
So what is it that we can contribute in this time of great need in the world?
What can our generation do so that our future generation to FLY towards their dreams?

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