I was able to go to Blue Mountain last weekend to get a little rest and relax...
which i was really looking forward to for a while...
but was a bit worry during the ride to the cottage...
cause there wasn't even a hint of snow anywhere...
and the temp was like +5 in Toronto

it starts to snow...all through the nite...till the next morning...
and this is what it looked like when we get out of the door...
And the snow is so fresh, that it doesn't even hurt when we fall down..
which is a good thing..cause lots of us are first timer or beginners...
really thx God for giving our cell such a great time...

we snowboarded from morning till late afternoon...
the weather was perfect...
It was really tiring...Most of us can bearly move when we get back to the cottage...
and have aches all over our legs and body for a couple of days after the trip...=P

It was so much fun that the whole group are kinda addicted to it now...
everyone is planning to get the whole set of gear before we go again for the next trip...

JW.. have you got your gears ready?? Lets go again before the winter ends..~~
Let's not stay at the baby slope anymore.!
Yeah yeah...
i "graduated" twice last time..
first time was alright...
able to go downhill really fast...
but don't know how to stop...so just fall on my ass to stop...=P..so took lots of energy to get up...
Lets go Lets go!!!
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