What did you learn from Across?
How did Across influence you?
Why do you love Across?
Because of the fundraising dinner for Across U-hub,
volunteers are asked to answer the above questions..
to give our sponsors and guest a sense of our challenges we are facing today...

The challenges that i am facing today,
is the search for my path...
I believe that God has given me a purpose in life,
i have tried to step out to trust on God to lead the way..
I am attending night school for my continuing education for Film Production..
I have decided to continue to work at Across to help our youths in Toronto..
But what's next?
What can i do?
What can i do with the knowledge that i get from film,
the volunteering experience that i gained from Across??
Have to be still, and listen to God's voice...
I learned a lot from Across...
I learn that being a Christian, doesn't not mean that you have to live a boring life...
People always think that Christians are restricted and can't do lots of things..
but i learned from Across that we are here on earth with a mission..
I learned to have discernment..to tell what's right/wrong, in messages given by the media, peers, community, government..
to collect different opinions from different ppl, and make a decision or judge with my mind what is really correct, instead of just listening to what others think...
I learned to open up my mind to different things, to appreciate the multiculturalism in Toronto..
To appreciate our roots, to the advantages that we have as a Chinese in Canada..
People in Across have a lot of passion in life..
they stress on "life influence one another's life"
Gives me the courage to chase after my dream...
I love Across, because it cherish all the youths, volunteers that cross its path..
the mentors in Across have lots of passion, really great teacher in giving directions on future, career paths..
friendly, approachable, never too busy for the lives of the young people..
The question to ask is do youths in Toronto know how to love themselves? We are given so much but dun know how to utilize these resources fully. Only if Across can motivate youth's hearts can they realize their own path. It is a change in inner character rather than instructional lessons that youths get in school. I'm glad that I was given the chance to be a part.
I agree with you.. we are given so much and don't really know how to use it.. and just focused on the resources and lost the path..
I am glad that Across is able to draw together some youth and change them bit by bit..
really was able to see the growth in them..
our efforts will not be wasted..
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