The Ethanol Sermon
by Jane Yoder-Short
Hear this word, you car owners of America
Who are constantly on the highways
Who consume fuel that's not yours
Who take corn from the needy for your tanks
You drive on land where bread should grow
You endlessly plant asphalt to increase your speed
You grow concrete so you can conveniently park
You turn justice to ethanol
And your righteousness becomes stale with pollution
Your rear-view mirror is blind
It fails to see the hungry children
To see the wars over oil
To see the land dying to feed your habit
But the time is coming when God will repair the fields
When hope will drip from the mountains
When vineyards shall sprout where asphalt once lay
And justice will fill the air
The horn has sounded
Turn now
Seek justice
look with new eyes in your rear-view mirror
(From geez magazine, "30 Sermons You'd Never Hear in Church")
It is time to rethink about the way we use gas...
What our cars costing the world...