I have always thought that Fernando Meirelles was a great director as his last two movie was really great...The City of God (On my Top 10 movie list of all time) and Constant Gardener...
So when Blindness comes with, with a cast of Julianne Moore and Gael García Bernal, i just got to go see it right away on the opening night...
(Spoilers ahead)
It is a very great movie, so lots of metaphors and symbols to show how human nature react in sudden chaos...
Has a lot for viewers to think about, will be a bit better if the director can show Julianne, the only one who can see, her struggling to adapt and her loneliness in the situation...

It is very interesting how they see whiteness instead of totally darkness, which is how a total blind person should see...total blackness...
To get a clue of what this "blindness" may mean, the eye doctor was saying there was nothing wrong with the eyes, just that every light was turned on, that's why people couldn't see...
When compared to the dark ages before with lots of oppression and violence, when all the lights are turned on, when humans have all the freedoms that they want, it brings into question what does freedom, human rights, self interests, free market means...

it can also be substituted into all the capitalism, consumerism, any beliefs that lead us not to see clearly and degrade our human dignity in the end, hurting each other in the process...

When all the people with the virus are quarantined in an abandoned hospital,
(Why can't we lock up all the greedy selfish bankers causing all the trouble...>_<) where it was kinda setup like a concentration camp,
with the stupid television telling how sorry the government was to put them there... (hmm... I thought I saw that somewhere before...)
The darkness of the human nature quickly showed...
As Gael Garcia Bernal became the leader of his ward taking charge,
ordering everyone around, taking control of the food supply,
which was the only power there...asking for money and belongings in return for food, later asked the women for sex in exchange...
the morals of the people in the cell decayed very quickly...
people doing what they desire without any boundaries when no one overlooking their behavior...

The ironic thing is...she really needed to be the strongest one to survive as she can actually see the condition that they are living in, what everyone have become ...
This is really like how ppl nowadays seeing all the madness in the world, the loneliness and the struggles that they have, as no one else sees the way they see...
How can they keep their hope that one day things will get better??
What is the point of keep trying to change things when you are the only one who can see...
Has it become the burden to seeing then?
How will you use the power?
When will we be able to wake up and see clearly??
How did it end?? just go see for yourself...
in the meantime, just watch the trailer to get a taste of it...