Just went to one of those very old traditional circus on the weekend,
one of those that are in the parking lots of a mall.
So I didn't really have many expectations for it,
as it is not really those "artsy" type circus where the focus is on the music and performance.
This one is really raw and traditional...
with a lot of kids there, riding on elephants, face paints, cotton candy,
horses, dogs doing different tricks...
some of the acts were really great to my surprise..
like shooting anchor at the small apple on top of someone's head...
or the elephants acts...really great to my surprise...
Then I realized that we really needed more of these attractions around us,
even though it is small, or not really "professional" to today's standards,
But it is very important as it inspires kids to actually dream,
stir their imagination, giving them the sense of mystery magic...
which is lost to the children of today... without the true sense of what childhood should be like...
as they are mostly in front of the TV, video games...
and the circus actually let they really be there to see and experience these magical trick...
I hear one of the kids said to her parents as they leave after the show...
That she wants to be in the circus when she grows up...
Well...even though we all know her chance of helping a circus is very slim...
but I think it is very beautiful to see a dream was dreamt at that exact moment...